Tuesday 28 April 2009

Santander to Boo

Monday 27th
13.15 (Spanish time) Terry sent a text to say he had arrived safely. He had lunch and then walked 16km out of Santander to Boo, where he stayed in a hostería for the night. Once again he missed the real rain, it started as he walked through the door. They made him welcome and even carried his rucksack up to his room for him.
At the Communion service in Chudleigh last week Terry spoke of the healing of blind Bartimaeus and how he followed Jesus (Mark 10 v.46-52). The Greek word used means 'road' or 'Way' - Bartimaeus became a follower of the Lord. As Terry walks on the Way during his Camino he will be praying for our farming community and for farmers worldwide. A particular concern which he carries in his heart, as you can see in the older posts.

The road out of Santander
The road into Boo

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